Data Collection has gotten a bad rep in the news recently. And, well, it always has – when terms like Data Collection are used, it almost is always in a negative light. One thing that you may not realize, though, is that when data collection is used properly and in an...
Google analytics WP installation and basic data slicing
Google analytics is great. So great, that even if you do not plan to use it - you should install it just so collects data for the future. So, this post will walk you through the simplest method of setup to get you rolling, and will teach you the basics of using the...
Analytics: Gaining Meaningful Data From your Audience – Presented at WordCamp 2016
Hello everyone, and thanks for taking the time to checkout my blog. Over the next week this post here will be updated to be an all inclusive guide to using Google Analytics to gain data that is relevant to your business. I have received some very valuable feedback...
Find Your Ideal Customer (Boost Business, Save $)
Finding your ideal customer is something every business must do. Unfortunately, most consider anyone that will buy ideal. Don't fall into this trap. While it's great to make sales anywhere you can, you want to focus your marketing efforts on a very select group....
A customer in it’s natural habitat
With the abundance of information on the web, anyone can go out and learn a thing or two about Big Data and marketing. I love facts and statistics, and use them to make a lot of educated decisions for my clients. I take data from reputable sources, and give it great...
Even your TV is spying on you – Analytics & Big Data in daily life
I love analytics, and it truly revolutionizes the way I do business, but there is unfortunately a downside. Data collection is everywhere. What I'm going to be talking about today is Big Data in our everyday lives. I'm going to avoid all the technical babble so the...